Setup Fee in Web Hosting
When you obtain a web hosting plan from our company, you will never be required to pay any kind of setup fees. For that matter, we don't have other concealed charges of any type too. We respect every single customer and it is our concept that when you purchase any sort of package through us, you shouldn't have to pay anything else than the charge for the hosting package. You will not see any sort of obscured charges after or before your purchase, which shows you that we are a dependable and loyal supplier. The cost of every shared hosting package will be the same everywhere on our website - the front page, the order and payment pages. As we also provide instant account activation, you won't have to wait for many hours or even days to be able to start building your web site.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you obtain a semi-dedicated server package from us, your initial payment is identical to all of the renewal payments for the next months. We don't have virtually any installation costs, or any hidden fees of any sort, for that matter. We respect a business partnership based upon mutual trust a lot more than a few additional dollars, so even if you already have a shared website hosting package with us and you'd like to move all your data to a new semi-dedicated server, in order to get a more powerful hosting solution, we will do everything for you at no extra fee except for the standard monthly charge for your brand new plan. The creation of a semi-dedicated account is practically fully automated, that's why we believe that charging you anything for that wouldn't be justified.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Although creating a VPS server takes time and efforts, we'll never ask you for any installation fees even when you order several servers at once. At the time you join us, you'll need to pay just the standard monthly cost for the picked plan and we'll build the VPS, install its Operating System, website hosting Control Panel and software bundle (web server, MySQL, FTP) at no additional cost. The renewal charges for the following months will be identical to the initial signup charge. We believe that getting one more customer that puts his / her trust in us is far more important than getting a small one-time charge, therefore when you get a virtual server through us, you will never find any concealed fees.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
Using a dedicated server obtained from our company, you will never see any hidden charges and you won't ever need to pay any setup fees. The cost of the plan you've picked is shown on our web site and it's the one price that you will see on both the order and the payment pages. We consider that having a new client and building a long-term partnership is more important than charging you a few extra dollars, that's why we will set up your machine, install all the required software and check it out totally cost-free. We will even transfer your info completely free in case you already have a shared hosting package from our company and you want to progress to a dedicated server that is obtained with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.